Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hanging Out In Jersey

Ok, we made a quick flight to Houston, made it onto our plane to Newark and then sat at the boarding gate for an hour waiting for the thunderstorm to pass. We got into Newark at 1700, our next flight leaves at 2020 so we had lots of time to spare. James found the Brooklyn Brewery and polished off 2 $8 beers! Kinda steep for my taste. I'm more of a $2 Diet Coke guy!! :) I was sitting next to a cute 8 year old girl named Tatiana on our flight here. Her "real mom" lives in Houston and her "real dad" lives in Jersey and she travels back and forth by herself a lot. I don't think my 10 or 11 year old kids would travel alone. The airline looks after kids of course but it's still pretty brave I thought! James commented that my kids were pretty lucky, they don't have to do that back and forth thing like so many kids have to nowdays.

Next stop, Bombay!! More to come.

James and Phil Leave Corpus

We are actually on our way. James said goodbye to Stacy a few minutes ago, I said bye to Pearl and the kids at home and Erdal brought me to the airport. Halle was a trouper and did not cry until I left. Tris was cool cuz he was opening Easter presents! Go figure.

I had the worst sleep ever last nite. Up at 3, 4, 5, 6, finally up at 0620. Hope I can sleep on the plane! More later.