Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bamboo Rafting

The main gate of the park in Thekkady.

.... and we're off.....

walking...walking...walking...where are the bamboo rafts?

Villagers going somewhere.

...more walking...walking...walking...

..suddenely, our first elephant sighting!!

Be very very quiet.... sshhhhh..

Our protector. Don't know when he last fired his gun but
it looked good on him!

Finally, some water.... where are the rafts? Not yet....

Stopped for breakfast, heating up the stove for tea.

Finally, we're on the rafts. It is HOT and we have one and
a half hours of paddling to go.... yahoooooooo!

Oue second wild elephant sighting. Very exciting.

Now we're on land and have circled back to the second
group of elephants.

Two babies. We have to be EXTREMELY quiet! We are
also down wind of them so they cannot smell us. Thank
goodness I showered this morning!!!!!

More Bamboo Rafting Followed By "The Massage"

Walking away from the second group of elephants.
Lunch time....Indian meal served hot and fresh. You can't see it here but there really was a good meal. I'm not sure if this was before or after we ate.
This was after we ate, we sat in the shade for about an hour before heading home.
All onboard for the long paddle home!
How come the guy with the gun doesn't have to paddle?
Because I just have to look good dude!!!!
These two guys did the brunt of the hard paddling. They got a good tip!
A large herd of Bison.
We were on the first boat and beat these guys by 30 minutes!
These wild boar took off as we approached.
I tried to get a cool bird shot like Dr. Akthar's but it's not even close!
This dude has been named, "Porn Star Monkey". Did anyone notice he is actually missing his right hand and most of his arm??? Where were you looking?!!!
Mr. Sashi was waiting at the park for us. He got us home for a quick shower before taking us to a place for our “Aryuvedic Massage”. We had booked this the day before, a full body massage from head to toe plus a steam bath, 1 ½ hours for Rs. 500 ($10 US). It was a first for all of us. James has had a massage before but not like this. All of us were escorted to little dark rooms by 4 very polite men ranging in age from about 20 to 35ish. They asked us to strip naked and put on a little loin cloth (see pic). Let me tell you, I was almost a little scared. I’m pretty comfortable with nudity but this was strange. I’m in a small dark room, door locked, nowhere to run. He ties the drawstring and then he reaches down between my legs from behind me and pulls the loincloth through and tucks it into the back of the drawstring. Then he asks me to lay down on the table on my stomach. Next thing I know, the loincloth he just tucked in is pulled off and tucked down by the package. I felt pretty exposed. I had already scanned the room for any objects that could be used to spank etc so I felt safe that way! They then put so much oil on us we could have been deep fried chicken if we were put on the stove! After getting rubbed down from head to foot, (EVERYWHERE except the pole position and where the sun don’t shine), we were put into a Turkish Steam Bath, essentially a big wooden box that you sit in with your head sticking out, and they pipe steam in all around you. This thing looked like it could be used in a torture chamber or a horror movie. A big old gas water boiler was beside it with pipes running into the box.This helped get some of the oil off but I still needed to soap and shampoo twice when we got back to the Homestay. This was a very strange experience that I don’t think I will try again. I have NEVER been that greased up in my life, not even when I used to go to the pool or beach for that “ultimate tan”! It really felt gross! Any image I ever had of a sexy full body massage……gone!
This is what we had to wear....the loin cloth. None of the other guys would model it with me. I assured them that the picture would not make it onto the blog but they didn't believe me!!!

From Munnar to Kumily

We were back into the van at 0900 to leave Munnar and head to Kumily which is a small village of 30,000 people right beside Thekkady, the forest preserve with approx 700 sq km of wild animals. It is most known for it’s wild Tigers. Mr. Sashi got us there in about 4 hours. It was only about 110 km in distance but the drive was extremely slow due to some horrible road conditions. At times we were only doing 10-15 km/hr over major potholes. We finally arrived in Kumily and headed straight for the “HomeStay”, a Bread and Breakfast place that is owned by the brother of my friend Koshi, from Bombay, who had hooked us up with the great Club Mahindra Resorts. It was a nice place with his home on the main floor, an outside staircase to an upstairs with 3 bedrooms, each with their own bathroom. There was also a central living room as well as a small kitchen/dining room with a table, chairs and a fridge. An outside terrace as well as rooftop terrace had places to sit and relax. An elephant camp was about 100 feet down the road.
After lunch with the family, Mr. Sashi took us to a different elephant camp then the one right beside us, one with a 2 yr old baby elephant. A quick elephant ride followed by some pictures and we were off to a tour of a Spice Plantation. We then came back into town and walked around for a while before supper with the family at the HomeStay.
Day 2 in Kumily, we were booked for “Bamboo Rafting” from 0800 – 1700. Mr. Sashi drove us 4 km into Thekkady to the park headquarters. After signing all the waivers, our guides got us together and we actually started off about 0900. Our group included another couple from Canada, a couple from England and a French girl by herself, 9 of us plus 4 guides and an armed Park Ranger. The Canadian couple, both in their early 20’s, had finished over a year of teaching English in South Korea. Apparently it is a very well paying gig! The British dude was very funny, reminded me of Hugh Grant every time he talked. The French chick was kinda weird and James thinks she plays on the other side of the field if you know what I mean! After walking for more than an hour through riverbeds, plains and forest, we stopped for breakfast. They made us chai and fed us bread, jam and bananas. Another half hour of trekking finally brought us to our Bamboo Rafts, literally big bamboo sticks tied together with primitive seats on top. With all on board, everyone’s feet were actually underwater. We paddled across a lake for about 1 ½ hours. It was stinkin hot, no shade except for our hats. We used sunscreen, but that night, you could easily tell what spots had been missed! We spotted several wild animals, deer, bison, boar, monkeys, wild dogs, birds, and two separate groups of wild elephants. It was actually pretty cool. We parked for lunch and the guides took us pretty close to one of the groups of elephants, close enough to hear them moving around. We got some great pictures. This group actually had 2 little baby elephants so our guides were pretty careful, we couldn’t make any noise and had to stay down wind of them! Then they fed us a really tasty Indian meal, rice, curry and some vegetable dish. We hung out in the forest after lunch for about an hr before the long paddle home. This was not quite as hot as before, but still pretty uncomfortable. We then had to trek back to the park where we started. This whole deal cost us Rs 1,000 each or US $20. Not bad for a full day outing!
That night after supper, we left Merv down talking to Zach, the owner of the place. Merv ended up staying down there until 0030 and Zach asked Merv to stay an extra day to meet some people and speak with them. The next morning, after much thought, Merv stayed and the three of us piled into the Toyota with Mr. Sashi and headed to Kumarakom where the houseboat was waiting for us…
Using your head in India.

We bought some "lungees" like this man is wearing. we stillneed to learn to tie them.
The living room area of our "Homestay".
Looking into Randy and Merv's bedroom.
Looking into the kitchenette and dinning rooms.
Mr. Zach Koshy, our host at the Homestay.
Kids piled into a rickshaw....love having their picture taken.

Getting water for the day ..... the little things we take for granted like turning on the tap!

More Pictures Of Kumily

Let the discomfort begin........ PAINFUL....hips are not meant to be spread apart like that!!
These two don't appear do be as uncomfortable as Randy and I were.

The baby elephant... only 2 years old.
Posing for the final pictures. I'm not sure why James isn't touching his elephant?
Going in for some milk, apparently they breastfeed for 3- 4 years. Sound familiar Priscilla...or Brenda Walsh.....or Brenda Buickner.....or Pearl Raine????

How about them Jackfruit!!??!!!!
The coffee shop in the trees, very cool location!
Nice view from up there,and very peaceful!