Sunday, May 3, 2009

Nepal Day 2 Part 1.1 - 0400 to 1300 hrs

4:30 AM We stumble out into the KGH parking lot where our taxi is waiting to take us on our tour. The streets are mostly deserted but the potholes and dust seem just as bad. We are driving up to Nagarkot which is located in the mountains surrounding Kathmandu, about an hour away. Our hope is that it might be clear enough there to see some of the mountain landscape and maybe catch the sunrise. Surprisingly, the road once outside the city is actually better than in town. Although the pavement is only about 8-10 feet wide and rough, it is at least not pocked with potholes. The road starts winding quite steeply up with many hairpin turns. There is no traffic but I wonder what happens when you meet a bus on this road.
5:30 We have reached Nagarkot which is located at about 7200 feet. The air is fairly cool but unfortunately the haze remains. We take some pictures of the hazy sun rising and then start the trek back down. There is a village close by, so we stop there for chai, toast and omelets and watch as the villagers carry out their morning rituals. There is a water tap just across the street from us, and many ladies are there filling their water jugs and carrying them back home.
9:00 We have reached the ancient city of Bhaktapur where the taxi drops us off – no cars are allowed. We spend an hour wandering through the streets which are very much as they were hundreds of years ago. People still live and work in this place.
11:00 We are dropped off at a large complex called Pashupatinath, the most sacred Shiva temple in Nepal. A trickle of a stream runs through one part of it. This is where they still do cremations every day, and several are in progress as we watch. It seems very odd that this would be a public spectacle. In the stream there are cows standing – they seem to be very attracted to each cremation as it takes place. Ladies are washing their clothes or children in the stream, some people are bathing, garbage is strewn everywhere. When one cremation is finished, they simply push all the ashes off the platform where the fire was into the river to join all the other garbage.
13:00 The driver has taken us to several more places, but after being on the road for 8 hours already, we have had enough and ask to be dropped back at KGH. Then it is off to find some lunch and do some shopping. There are lots of choices and we pick up some things for gifts. Then it is back for a nap so we don’t crash too early tonight.
Our car and driver, waiting for us in the parking lot of Kathmandu Guest house at 0430 hrs.
We arrived at the resort at Nagarkot to see what we could see......
...not much to see because of all the haze. What we could see was nice as was the temperature.
Three cool dudes, but the coolest one was taking the picture.
This was a very nice resort at the top of the mountain.
We hung out until sunrise, then it was time for breakfast.
Some Nepalese Rangers (army I think) were doing some serious jogging up and down the hills.
The ladies collecting water for the day.
A lot of cute kids in Nepal.
Our waitress at breakfast.
The scenery wasgreat butI wish it had been clearer.
The white sign is pointing the way to the swimming pool. LOL Someone had a good sense of humor!
Just looking.....
We called these things "Mad Max" because they looked crazy. they were the main mode of transportation up in the mountains.
Use your head woman..... use your head!
Entering the old city of Bhaktapur. It was very cool, hundreds of years old.
Some more cute kids.
Washing clothes. These ladies don't get to sit around watching soaps or "Better Homes & Gardens on TV. Any of you ladies reading this have a great life! More cute kids..... they were everywhere!
Lord Randy looks down from on high!
Taking a break from walking for a few minutes.
There were tons of these old very cool looking buildings. Loved it. A pottery mill in the middle of this complex with a dude making clay with his feet before someone else makes the clay into objects. Very interesting to watch.
James wheelin & dealin again!!! She had probably heard about him from Kathmandu! ha ha ha

The very center of the complex where farmers were making deals selling their goats.

Nepal Day 2 - Part 1.2 - 0400 to 1300 hrs

The farmers goat giving him some love..."Please don't sell me!"
I think this was the tallest structure in Bhaktapur.
These pots were empty. I wouldn't want to carry them full. They are huge!!
More wheelin & dealin by James. Word gets out fast that this tourist buys stuff!
Waiting to go to school.

Just hanging out, nothing to do.
At Pashupatinath, the most sacred Shiva temple in Nepal, at the end of someones cremation.
One of the real priests at the temple, the dude without the shirt. The "Holy Men" with all the paint are the fake priests, just hanging out trying to make money.
Not one of the "Holy Men". Just a dude at the temple.
These are the fake Holy Men. They all wanted money to get their picture taken but they didn't get any from us.

The "Jack Nicholson" of Holy Men.
Now we're at at a very large Buddist Temple. Still at the Buddist Temple.
This is another Hindu temple.
Same temple......
...with extremely large statues.
A poor little beggar girl. I didn't see any parents nearby.
Another beggar sleeping on stone with a stone step for a pillow. No Posturepedic mattress here!
Yet another Hindu temple.....
Another cute kid.....
Looking over the dust bowl of Kathmandu.
Finally, we were all templed out by 1300 hrs and are back at KGH.