Saturday, May 9, 2009

Delhi To Mussoorie

Arriving in Delhi from our Kathmandu adventures, we have a few hours to kill before our night train. We catch a taxi from the airport to the YMCA where we deposit our carry-ons with our stored baggage and then go for a walking tour and in search of supper. It is 43C (110F), so our energy levels are not exactly normal. Eventually a rickshaw fellow convinces us he knows the ideal air conditioned location - we pile in a couple rickshaws for the ride over. It is further than expected, and the A/C turns out to be marginal but the food is okay. The rickshaws even insisted they would wait to take us back – and sure enough an hour plus later they are sitting outside when we exit. Maybe business is more competitive than one would think for their business. We kill a little more time at a CafĂ© O’Day coffee shop before heading back to the YMCA lounge, also A/C, before catching a taxi to the train station for our 11:55 PM train to Dehradun. This time we are back with the private First Class sleeper compartment, and although not as nice a car as our first experience, it is much appreciated after the 3-tier sleeper. It is a short night though, as we reach our destination at 6 AM. The taxi is waiting and by 6:15 we are on the road heading up the mountains to Mussoourie. He deposits us outside Kellog Church just after 7:30 AM where we are now at a height of 7,500 feet in the midst of the Himalayan Mountains. The air is cool – almost enough to put on a jacket. It has been 30 years since I have been here – another spot of some of my sweetest childhood memories. I am surprised at some of the emotions it stirs.
An interesting building near the YMCA in Delhi.
Ancient and modern both on the big city streets.
This familiar place. None of us actually tried it. In fact, the only non-Indian food we had at any time was toast and jam at breakfast. A most excellent mustache, I must admit!
We never looked at the menu so I don't know if toilet paper was an entre?
Waiting for an "opening" to try and get across the street.
Riding to a restaurant in our rickshaws.
Relaxing at the Cafe O'Day coffe shop, an upscale airconditioned joint. Our iced coffee's were about Rs 150 or $3.00 USD

Now we're at the train station in Delhi, waiting for our "midnight express".
As you can see, not as glamorous as our very first 1st Class trip, but still very comfortable with a door that locks so we didn't have to worry about anything disappearing. I am on the phone with Loree here.
Merv with some night time reading.
James is chillin'. If you look closely at the laptop, Phil had just finished uploading to the blog!
Phil's bed, all nice and pretty.
Our taxi driver, waiting for us at the train stationin Dehradun.
Heading up the mountain road.
James, trying to wake up. It was a pretty short night and we were all tired.
That white line is the road we are headed up on. It is extremely twisty with lots of hairpin turns.
We had to stop halfway up so Merv could take care of some"loose ends"! ha ha ha ha
Lots of monkeys live in this area. These black faced one are Langoor monkeys.
Coming up into the town of Mussoorie. A statue of Lord Shiva I think.

This is a two way street.

We were dropped off at the steps of Kellogg Church. The house we stayed at is just to the left of this view, right across the street.