Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mussoorie To Agra

The beginning of the end was at hand. It was the evening of May 3rd. We had approx 48 hrs before we left India. We had a couple of short nights crammed in-between a couple of long days planned. We still had to go see the Taj Mahal in Agra plus the sights in Delhi. We said goodbye to Tony and his wife Tsering (the T is silent) and got into our taxi back down to Dehradun at 2030. The overnite train to Delhi left at 2330 so we had lots of time. Going down the mountain in the dark was not as bad as I was expecting. This was a better class of taxi than our one to Kempty Falls, he did not ride the brakes all the way down, he actually kept the vehicle running and used gears to slow down! We got to the station at 2200. We were in the First Class Sleeper again so we could lock doors and not worry about luggage. We were getting settled into our compartment when something pretty amazing happened. I have to set up this story.
Four days ago, on our overnite train getting here, (we assume) Merv's Macbbook laptop charger had fallen out of his backpack on the upper bunk because he could not find it after that trip. We had checked at the station for a lost and found and were told to check in Delhi when we got there. Well, as we're settling down, the attendant from that previous trip shows up in our compartment with the charger. He said he had been keeping an eye out for us to return it! We couldn't believe it! Merv gave him a reward and he left happy as did we! That saved Merv about $100 and he could now use his laptop again.
We got to Delhi at 0500 and quickly took a taxi back to the YMCA to drop off our bags. We were going to be staying there that night and didn't want to haul the bags to Agra and back. We just took our camera bags and headed back to the train station for our 0700 train to Agra. This time, we were booked in the A/C Chair Car, a very comfortable way to travel shorter distances. We got to Agra at 1000, negotiated a taxi and headed for the Taj Mahal.

This is Tony Malik whose home we stayed at. He injured his foot in a motor vehicle accident in Delhi a couple months ago and was hobbling around. I totally understand how he feels!!

Tony's wife, Tsering, and Oscar the little puppy, saying goodbye.

Arrived at the station in Dehradun.

I guess Merv hadn't showered today..... no friends!

Camera ready......looking for action!

Another interesting sign.

James, trying to decide what to drink.

This was the first train coach we had seen completely painted as an advertisement. We had seen lots of buses like this but not trains.

Cell phones are everywhere in India. Plans are a lot cheaper than in the US too. I guess a billion person market helps drive down the prices!

This is the next morning, waiting for the train to Agra.
These "coolies" or luggage carriers are a dying breed in India. Every train station used to have hundreds of them but with the advance of good wheeled luggage, they are not needed anymore.

Uhhh...what? This wasn't our train.

These dudes can carry incredible loads on their heads. My neck hurts just looking at this!

Finding our seats.

Very comfortable and spacious and cold!

Our compartment was full.

Randy was using the paper as a blanket. I'm trying to stay warm hugging myself. Jimmy didn't want to cuddle!

Some sights along the way.

Pulling into Agra station at 1000 hrs.

I jumped off the train before it stopped and went up some steps to get some pictures of the guys getting off.

This was the end of the line for this train so it totally emptied out.

The guys wondering where I am!

I don't know who this little white kid is. I was taking a picture of the coolie using his head.

Looking for a taxi. This dude is offering a tour of Agra.
We settled on this rickshaw who offered a tour of Agra, several different places to see, take us to lunch, (we'd pay), and take us back to the station at 1900 to catch the train back to Delhi. This would cost us a grand total of Rs 600 or $12 USD. That's $3 each! Crazy!!

I started out in front but we took turns through the day.

Lots of room in the back!

Sights along the way....

You guys are funny looking....

Heading for the Taj.....

Family of four...

I think the kid is asleep. No Child Protective Service here!!!

What costs more to drive.....

..... gas or grass??? ha ha ha

Believe it or not, the Taj Mahal is literally down this street and turn left. Not much city planning around this "Wonder Of The World". As Tony put it, it is a rose surrounded by garbage!