Thursday, April 16, 2009


Here she is


  1. So Phil, did you buy the puppy? We need video of Merve trying some street omletes. Post it :)

  2. Phil and James
    Love this blog; the reality show of the moment.
    Love these kids, reminds me of home, the smiles.
    The happiness of innocence.
    Man this is by far my cheapest vacation (virtual); I feel like I am there with you guys. Take care and when you get back I won't ask questions about your bleached hand ( them toilets). Will Alcare the crap of you guys.

  3. Hey Phil this is awesome! This is the closest I will ever get to India. I agree with rivera!!! This is C.Bass. Finally figured out how to do this!!! LOL!!! Which is what I've been doing. You guys are the greatest. Wow we all need to be thankful for all that we have, and do more to help others. Have a blast and be careful. Can't wait for more pics and posts..............

  4. very cool Phil, wish I was there.
