Tuesday, April 14, 2009

First Day In Mumbai

Koshy took James and I for a drive after breakfast, traffic was realativly light due to it being a holiday today, all banks, office buildings were closed. I'm not sure what holiday it was but it made geting around a lot easier. We still got to experience the typical Indian traffic rules of which there are only three. Here there are in order of importance as far as driving goes.
1. Might Is Right (the bigger the vehicle, the more it has the right of way)
2. Nose First (if you get your smaller vehicle nosed out in front, you have the right of way, no matter the size of the other vehicle)
3. Don't Look Back (self explainitory!)
We found the Hard Rock Cafe Mumbai where James bought a couple shot glasses. We stopped at an airconditioned market with small stalls mostly selling watches, cellphones, colognes, shoes and some clothing. Mostly "western" stuff, didn't buy a thing. Got back to the house around 1430 whre Koshy's wife Kumari had an awesome Indian lunch waiting for us!
We're off to Juhu Beach to look around for a bit before going to the airport to pick up Randy and Merv at 2330 tonight. I'll post pictures later on


  1. Interesting info:

    How to use the Indian toilet for the first time foreigner in India
    If you can't slide you pants to the knees and sit, then take your pants off and hang it on a clip or the hook most usually found on the back of the door.

    Remember it can be slippery and mishaps do happen.

    Crouch down and sit down in a squatting position (if you feel uneasy, try to remember the health benefits of squatting)

    Squat to your hearts content.

    After doing it open the tap and fill the bucket with water. Take a jug usually located nearby and fill it with water.

    Clean your back-side with your left palm by pouring water in it and then rubbing gently where the sun doesnt shine. For the left handed foreigner use the right hand. Most Indian type squats contain a flush usually hooked to the wall so get up and pull the chain or the lever with the clean hand.

    The most important step. Walk to the basin and wash your hands with soap or any detergent you can find. In most cases it's usually a soap called "lifebuoy" made by a British company called Unilever. Most Indians use this soap for cleaning their hands after pooing. It's supposed to be great in getting rid of germs and bacteria.

    Once the hand is washed a minimum of 2 to 3 times, the hand is clean and you can take your pants off the hook and put it on.

    Walk out the door feeling great and content.


  2. Oh my god, LOL LMAO ha ha ha ha ha that was great info! I should transfer this to the main area for everyone to read!!

  3. I will never shake hands with anyone ever again!

  4. Hello!! Friend of James' here! Big hello from home! Glad you guys all made it without incident! I have been following this really cool blog - great idea btw!
    Have fun!! - im not sure about the Indian toilet though.

  5. i will never look at phil & James the same again after reading the proper technique for going potty.

  6. ewe, lets hope they wash their hands well! lol

  7. There is a simple way to deal with the washing matter - take your own TP with you. On a recent visit to India we even found TP in the toilets on Indian trains and in many of the homes we visited. Things are changing.
    Dad & Mom Raine
