Monday, April 13, 2009

James and Phil Arrived

We landed in Bombay a couple hours ago. Our family friend of 40 years, Koshy, picked us up at the airport. I tried to take pictures inside but was told to put away my camera. I'll try to get some pics tomorrow when we pick up Randy and Merv. Koshy's wife, Kumari, served us a tasty meal of Birianni and Raita with Okra and Papadums. She has an Indian breakfast planned for us in the am. Life is good. I talked to Pearl and the kids on skype as well as mom and dad. We are off to bed for a while. It is 0150 and we have kept Koshy up late. More tomorrow.


  1. this blog is such a great idea!

  2. well....I finally figured out how to get my commemts posted! I sent melissa ramsden your site. She is laughing already! Give james (aka:DAISY) a group hug , for us.

  3. Hey Phil - glad you all arrived OK. All of Australia is supporting you!!!! Well, me anyway. Have a great trip and I'll be keeping an eye on you. Ros x

  4. Hey Phil tell James the hydrocortisone cream can have double duty:
    1) usual skin rashes/maladies
    2) preparation H

    Man, how I envy u guys sitting here contemplating my ominous world from behind the PICU desk.

  5. Wait, wait wait!!! You mean to tell me that James actually left corpus christi, and then on top of that, he flew over seas?!?!?! I've heard it all.
    enjoying following along.
    I saw Julie in the E.R. at Driscoll and she turned me on to you guys' adventure.
