Friday, April 10, 2009

One Day To Go!

James and I worked our last shift Thursday night. It was busy and we were more than ready to leave by 0700. I spent today gathering things together on our bed, making sure I had everything. I had to make a trip to Academy to return the shoes I bought for the trip. I wore them around for a few hours and they weren't as comfortable as I thought. I bought a cheaper pair by $20, New Balance, which shows you, higher price doesn't always mean better. Of course a trip to Best Buy is always good, showed the "MAC" guy there my blog so he can follow our trip. I befriended him before Christmas when I was shopping for my MAC and always stop in to say hi when I go there. He has actually been to India so was interested in our trip.
I told James I would post my packing list so here it is:

My plan is this.

On the plane, long cotton pants with a button shirt, shoes and socks, underwear, belt and neckbag for passport, money etc

Shorts, t-shirt, underwear and socks in my carry on as well as basic toiletries. Also carry on my camera bag, netbook, batteries etc. If my checked bag gets lost, I can always buy more clothes!

Checked bag
-3 pairs of shorts
-swimming trunks
-4 t-shirts (plus a special t-shirt each for Randy and Merv)
-4 pairs of socks
-4 underwear
-boxers for sleep
-sandals or Teva's
-Deep Woods Off
-antiseptic hand-gel for hand washing
-lots of wet wipes (Pearl and Mike went through a lot of those in 1995)
-hard candies (life savers etc)
-? chocolate bars?
-a few boxes of Kraft Dinner (in case of upset stomach and longing for a bland meal)
-case of chewing gum

Toiletries and Other:
-couple razors
-shaving gel
-Head & Shoulders shampoo
-zit cream
-moisturizing cream
-q tips
-benadryl stick or ointment
-a "Z-Pak" in case of illness (easily purchased there but I have one here already)
-moisturizing eye drops
-blow up neck pillow

I have to do my taxes later tonight so I'm outa here. More tomorrow.



  1. I'm waiting for someone to poke fun at your list, but it probably isn't going to happen. I hope that I do end up febrile in a place that has never seen AA batteries.
    Spartacus will feel bad if I don't come back from this trip.

  2. Ha ha ha ha, Jimmy, you are too funny! We don't want any febrile illness on this trip!

  3. Speaking of febrile illness:


    ◦Don’t drink tap water and do not use it to brush your teeth.
    ◦Don’t drink bottled water if the seal on the bottle has been broken.
    ◦Don’t use ice unless you’re sure it’s made from purified water.
    ◦Don’t drink milk or eat dairy products that have not been pasteurized (heated to a temperature that kills all germs).
    ◦Don’t eat raw fruits or vegetables unless they can be peeled and you are the one who peels them.
    ◦Don’t eat cut-up fruit salad.
    ◦Don’t eat lettuce or other leafy raw vegetables (such as spinach).
    ◦Don’t eat raw or rare (slightly cooked) meat or fish.
    ◦Don’t eat food from people who sell it on the street.

    Hope you all have a great trip! I wish I was allowed to join you. :(

  4. I wish you were coming too Bubba! Hope to do it again in a few years and I won't let you skip out again!!
    BTW, that's way too many rules you laid out above! I'll stay away from water, ice and milk but I gotta eat street food!!
