Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Preparations

Of the 4 of us going on this trip, James has probably done the most research and preparation. I have spent many hours planning where to go, buying tickets online, arranging for hotels etc. James has spent just as much time or more on the pre trip preparations. What kind of bag to take, clothes to wear, immunizations, packing lightly, quick dry underwear, whether to take anti malaria medication or not, travelers diarrhea, etc etc etc. I love it! You see, when James commits to something, it's a life long commitment!! LOL He has spent endless hours of reading on the website which, by the way, is the best website ever if you are planning a trip to India. Back to my friend James. He ordered so much stuff online for this trip, the UPS dude was making daily drops at his house! Most of it was returned of course, James is packing light, but he tried a lot of luggage and clothing before making his decision on what to take. Of course, being this precise, James has a list of what he is taking and here it is in his own words:


Hopefully I'm packing the right things. Maybe I've been reading too much. All of my clothes for the trip are quick drying. I had planned on rinsing stuff in the sink at night. Hope that's not a bad idea. I've got my checked bag and a small carry on. The carry on has one change of clothing in it and minimum toiletries and stuff to get me by if the checked bag gets lost. I debate the merits of a light jacket for the higher altitudes, but I don't know.

My list follows.


Two pants. Thin ones that zip off to shorts. (I'll be wearing a third pair)

One pairs of long shorts. Thin fabric should dry quickly.

Two long sleeve and two short sleeve shirts. I'll be wearing a 5th one.

One pair of trunks.

Three boxer briefs plus the one I'll be wearing.

Three pair socks plus the ones I'm wearing.

Two quick dry t-shirts for sleeping and stuff.

Israeli Desert boots that I'll wear on the plane. They are very light.

Keen sandals that I'll pack.

Money Belt.



Tooth brush and tooth paste. (I'll miss my Sonic Care)

Soap, Shampoo, Floss

Don't know if I'll do anything with the beard over there.

Moist butt wipes


Off Mosquito stuff,Hand sanitizer,Sun Screen

Ibuprophen, Imodium

Daily Pepto Bismol dose. (Its a well documented diarrhea prophylaxis) 2 tabs 4 x daily

Antihistamine, Hydrocortisone, Eye Drops

RX medications


Passport (I've heard its a good idea to scan the main page and email it to yourself)

Travel insurance card (All of them. I've probably over insured myself)

Copies of all online bookings - planes/trains/hotels

One credit card, one ATM card, and cash.


Travel neck pillow (inflatable)

Swiss Army Knife, Sewing kit, Ear plugs

Glasses and a spare pair. May also take disposable contacts.

I have a very small compass thermometer combo.

Travel clothes line

Individual sink laundry packets

Sink stopper

Pen light.

Digital camera. Mine uses AA batteries. Hopefully they'll be easy enough to find over there.

I would like to take a diversion of some sorts, but I don't read.

I love James!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Got this link from my friend Gina C. This is too funny! I know I'll be reading this blog frequently for updates.

    A couple of things I noticed:
    1) James forgot to pack his OCD medication (not on the list).
    2) Great call on the compass thermometer combo. You can never underestimate how miserable it could be to be febrile and lost.
    3) If you are venturing into the parts of India that have not seen the likes of AA batteries, not being able to take digital pictures will be the least of your problems.


